Monday 24 November 2014

Enhance (Water Flavouring) Drink

Water is good for us and but we generally don't drink enough of it. This could be due to the fact we are drinking something else such as sodas or tea/coffee or juice or because we just don't like drinking it. The main reason I fail at drinking enough water is that it can be boring.

How many times do you get a huge craving for a glass of water? Mmm water, I know I don't.

Enhance drink

We can always add diluting juice to our water but these are usually just kept at home, as they are big bottles and we stay away from water when out and about, as it can be expensive to buy.

Due to water being expensive, more of us are carrying our own bottles but this still doesn't get away from water being a unappetizing drink.

This last year I have noticed a rise in mini concentrated drinks. These little packs allow you to add a splash of flavoring to your water wherever you are.There are quite a few to choose from now.

The one I have tried is from Enhance, which I received in my last Degusta Box. It was the strawberry and kiwi flavour.

Enhance drink. Very light color and taste.
When you have a glass of water just add one squeeze of the bottle into your drink and then you have a flavoured drink. Enhance state that it is only 1 calorie per drink, so there is no need to worry about it affecting any calorie intakes.

Also Enhance are doing their bit for charity by partnering with Just a Drop water charity. Just a Drop work towards making sure people in poorer areas have clean drinking water. Enhance state that they make a donation from every bottle sold.

Overall thoughts are that the flavour is weak however it does add enough taste so you don't feel like you are just drinking water.

It's a good idea but it's not a fantastic product. I can't see me carrying one about. I have had more plain water than flavoured since I got it. It may be good if you really hate drinking just water.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Bread Meats Bread - not so sober version

Last weekend my friend and I went out for a catch up and at night ended up in Bread Meats Bread.

The food is definitely in the title. From burgers to sandwiches and melts they have you covered.
Bread Meats Bread. Chicken Burger

My friend highly recommends the place and she loved her chicken burger.

The Wolf Burger with Pastrami

I ordered The Wolf burger which is Double Bacon & Pulled Pork in BBQ sauce with tobacco onions and American cheese. Sadly, they had run out of the pulled pork, so I had it swapped for pastrami.
It was a very tasty burger. The burger was meaty yet tender and the pastrami just melted in your mouth and all together it was a great combination. Although, I will need to try The Wolf as it was intended.

The onion rings (friend's side) were good. Such big onions with a light and crisp batter.

Bread Meats Bread, Drinks and Sides

For my side, I ordered the caramelized fries, which is sweet potato fries with maple syrup and coconut and these are great. Soooo tasty. The fries had a slight crunch on the outside and were fluffy on the inside. The addition of the maple and coconut though different, worked and the sweetness cuts through the meaty burger. However if you don't have a sweet tooth they may get a bit too much for you.

Bread Meats Bread. It beat me.
The meal was great and I look forward to going again for another round, hopefully this time I'll be able to eat all my burger.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Fall Food - Pumpkin Baking

In October seeing so many pumpkins made me want to bake with them. I had never even cooked a pumpkin never mind baked with one but I had a very strong urge for some pumpkin baking and wanted to test both a pumpkin and a can of puree.

Pumpkin, fresh from the oven
Sadly, I think I had the pumpkin in the oven too long and it dried out. Thankfully I had enough puree for both baking batches.
I got the recipies for both of these from one of my favourite youtubers Laura Vitale from Laura in the Kitchen, check her out here;

The first of the baking was Pumpkin Bread.
Pumpkin Bread

This turned out well. Nice soft centre with a slight crust to the outside but overall it was tasty. I'm not a huge fan of cinnamon or ginger but this was lovely. It had a slight gingerbread taste, just in loaf form, but it was milder. I think the sweetness of the pumpkin mellowed out the strong spices. I would recommend this to anyone even people that say they don't like cinnamon just because the taste of the spices is reduced significantly.

The bread was good cold but is better warm. I would really recommend this as nice breakfast treat.

Making Cream-cheese Frosting
Pumpkin Cupcake mixture

Next was the Pumpkin Cupcakes. I loved these. They came out with such a soft light sponge and again the taste of the spices was mellowed with the pumpkin. I really enjoyed these and had to make sure other people got some or I would have eaten them all.

 Pumpkin Cupcakes

The cheese cream frosting on top may have been a bit much due to how much I added but they were treats.

Pumpkin Cupcake
Halloween may be over but Thanksgiving is still to come so there is plenty of time to still bake with pumpkin.

Frosted Pumpkin Cupcake
I wonder what I can do next?

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Fall Food - Covent Garden Soup

I'll be honest I had never tried any of Covent Garden's soups but when I saw they had a limited soup of the month Pumpkin Ghoulash I needed to have it. So I bought it and the Butternut Squash & Pumpkin seed soup.

The Pumpkin Ghoulash with smoked paprika is lovely. It has a little chunk, which is exactly what I like. The taste is comforting, its a homey type of soup, lovely and warming. Perfect for this time of year. It is still available for a short time and I cant recommend it enough. I've stocked up.

The Butternut Squash & Pumpkin Seeds soup was quite watery. It was OK in taste, just quite mild. If you like a thin soup, sure give it a go but it's not one I recommend.This is one of the permanent range.

Covent Garden Soup Company have lots of options out and I am now keen to try many more.

Any recommendations?

Monday 10 November 2014


This is just a quick post on Nando's.

I went there recently for the first time and to be honest I was not happy with it.

We walked in and a girl came up to us and asked if we would like a table, yes we did. She sat us and got us menus and said she'd be back. Then nothing. We waited and waited a bit more and wondered what on earth we were meant to do. I had no idea it was a self serve type of thing. Why did she not ask if we had been there before or at least tell us how to order?

That being left alone really annoyed me and set me off on a mood against Nando's.

The burger I ordered was nothing special, the fries were fries and the coleslaw was horrible. We got a salad to share as a side and it was OK. It was overpowered by cucumber in my opinion.

All in all I do not get the fascination with Nando's. Can someone explain it?