Wednesday 3 September 2014

New Coke!


Lets start these next few posts with something I love, which is Coca-Cola (Diet Coke to be specific). I drink diet coke all the time, don't manage long without it and collect a few coca-cola items.

When I heard there was a new coke coming out I had to try it. It's called Coke Life and comes in the usual coca-cola design but green. It comes in most sizes and becoming available in most stores.

Coke Life

Coke Life is all about the more natural route, think normal coca-cola but slightly healthier. Coke have managed this by gaining their 'sweetness from natural sources'.

Coke are using the stevia leaf and blend of sugar for this drink. This means that Coke Life will have a third less sugar than regular coke and have a third less calories.

On reading the ingredients you will find that it is better for you than regular coke but I think it tastes just like Coke Zero. Regular coke I find hard to finish a can due to that full fat taste at the end but I can drink coke zero.

Coke Life
I think the idea of Coke Life is great, many people want more natural ingredients in their diets however I think loyal coke fans won't change to this from their favourite but this could win some healthy living fans back to the coca-cola family.

Coke Life may be healthier for you but being a Diet Coke fiend I'm not going to switch. I don't drink Diet Coke because I think it's better for me than regular coke, I drink it because I love the taste.

In my opinion it's not bad, tastes like Coke Zero. I would drink it if Diet Coke wasn't available but it wouldn't be my first choice.

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