Wednesday 19 August 2015


Summer, the time of sunshine unless you live in Scotland. The place where you are lucky to get two days of sun in a row. Today proves that. Yesterday and the day beore were nice. Sunny and warm. Today we are back to cloudy and rainy. I thought I'd write this post just incase we get some more sun at any point this summer.

As we may not be used to the heat when it comes around it is important to keep up with our water intake. Hydration is very important for us all especially in the hotter weather but water can get boring.

I find water especially boring when I am trapped in work on a nice day. I know I should just have another glass of water around 3pm when I'm getting those sweet cravings. I'm most likely not even hungry but frustration and bordom can win and then we're off to the vending machine.

I have now found my solution and need more of it soon. It's DrinkMaple.

DrinkMaple is maple water that has been tapped sraight from the maple tree. It tastes like water but with a touch of sweetness. It isn't overly sweet either. Think of it like you have just added a drop of maple syrup to your water and mixed it really well. That may sound weird but it tatstes great. 

I can see it being an acquired taste but I love it and think it is a great option for trying to win with water over sweets or just to try something new.
Maple water claims to have less sugar than coconut water and it also reports to have more magnesium than kale.
Maple water appears to be quiet good for you and true nothing is as good as pure water but its something different. Maybe it will give coconut water a run for it's money.

Wholefoods was where I found mine and I had chosen the smaller option of 250ml for 1.99. It may not be the cheapest but larger bottles are also available and are more cost effective. Hopefully more stores will pick it up and the price will come down a bit.

I still recommend it though and if you love it you can buy multipacks for less online.

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